Sir Michael Caine CBE
Cained, framed and famed

A change of identity for the Super-actor

Analysis:  Sir Michael Caine was born Maurice Joseph Micklewhite and  started his acting carrer as Michael Scott.  However on finding another actor with this name he adopted the new alias in 1954 after seeing a poster for the Humphrey Bogart film The Caine Mutiny. in 2016 he decided to legally change his name to his showbiz moniker because of the rise in airport security checks prompted by Islamic State. Born with a mild, non-contagious but incurable eye disease called Blefora which makes the eyelids swell, gives him a rather sleepy and distinctive look.  He used to enjoy smoking cigars and known for his quote "you were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off" from the 1969 film, The Italian Job. - and a lot of people DO KNOW  that!

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